Vehicle Third Party Liability Insurance

Vehicle Third Party Liability Insurance: As the policy name indicates, it only covers the liability of your vehicles against the 3rd party i.e. the traffic on the street. This policy pays the expenses caused by the insured to the 3rd party while being driven on the street. It never covers damages and wreckages of your own vehicle. This is basically a compulsory insurance by the country’s road traffic law. The customers of comprehensive vehicle insurance have already covered this policy.
Benefits to third parties:
1.The company will subject to the limits of liability indemnify the event of accident caused by or arising out of the use of the motor vehicle or in connection with the loading or unloading of the motor vehicle against all sums including claimant’s costs and expenses which the insured shall become legally labile to pay in respect of.
a) Death of or bodily injury to any person.
b) Damage to property.
2.The company will pay all costs and expenses insured with its written consent.
3.In the event of accident involving indemnity under this policy to more than one person the limits of liability shall apply to the aggregate amount of indemnity to all person indemnity to all persons indemnified and such indemnity shall apply in priority to the insured.
Benefits to towing wrecked vehicles:
This policy shall be operative whilst the motor vehicle is being used for the purpose of towing any one disabled mechanically propelled vehicle and the company will indemnify the insured in terms of section I in respect of liability in connection whit such towed vehicle provided that.
a. Such towed vehicle is not towed for reward.
b. The company shall not be liable by reason of this section in respect of damage to such towed vehicle or property being conveyed thereby.
Exceptions: The Company shall not be liable to pay for.
- Death bodily injury or damage caused or arising beyond the limits of any carriage way or thoroughfare in connection with the bringing of the load to the motor vehicle for loading thereon or the taking away of the load from the motor vehicle after unloading there form.
- Death of or bodily injury to any person in the employment of the insured arising out of and in the course of such employment.
- Death of or bodily injury to any person (other than a passenger carried by reason of or in pursuance of a contract of employment) being carried in or upon or entering or getting on to or alighting from the motor vehicle at the times of the occurrence of the event out of which any claim arises.
- Damage to property belonging to held in trust by or in the custody of or control of the insured or a member of the insured’s household or being conveyed by the motor vehicle.