Project Third Party Liability Insurance

As the policy name indicates, it only covers the liabilities of your projects against the 3rd party i.e. During the period of construction. This policy pays the expenses caused by the insured to the 3rd party. It never covers damages and wreckages of your own equipment and machinery.
Benefits to second party (Insured):
- Legal liability for accidental loss or damage caused to property of other persons including property held in trust by or under custody of the Insured for which he is responsible excluding any such property used in connection with construction thereon.
- legal liability (liability under contract excepted) for fatal or non-fatal injury to any persons other than the Insured’s own employees or workmen or employees of the owner of the works or premises or other firms connected with any other construction work thereon, or members of the Insured's family or of any of the aforesaid; directly consequent upon or solely due to the construction of any property described in the Schedule.
Benefits to third parties:
- Death of or bodily injury to any person and damage per property.
- The company will pay all costs and expenses incurred with its written consent.
- In the event of accident involving indemnity under this section to more than one person the limits of liability shall apply to the aggregate amount of indemnity to all persons indemnified and such indemnity shall apply in priority to the insured.
The Company shall not be liable to pay for.
- Bodily injury to or illness of employees or workmen of the Contractor(s) or the Principal(s) or any other firm connected with the project.
- loss of or damage to files, drawings, accounts, bills, currency, stamps, deeds, evidence of debt, notes, securities, cheques, packing materials such as cases, boxes, crates;
- Any liability which attaches by virtue of an agreement but which would not have attached in the absence of such agreement.
- Any accident loss damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by contributed to by or arising from nuclear weapons material.
- A) Any accident loss or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising there form or any consequential loss.
- B) Any liability of whatsoever nature.
- Directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from ionizing radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel of from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel for the purposes of this exception combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission.
Evaluation of Premium
- Premium evaluation is as per the following
- Project Liability
- Project value